Thursday, November 25, 2010

Liquid Volume Measurement (Using Non-Standard Units)

ACTIVITY 1 ( Higher and Lower Achiever Group )

Topic                                      :           Volume of Liquid.
Learning Area                     :           6.2 : Measuring and comparing
                                                             volumes of liquid.
Learning Objective           :           6.2.1 : Measuring and comparing
                                                             volumes of liquid using
                                                             non-standard units.
Learning Outcomes          :           By the end of the learning activity,
                                                            pupils should be able to :-
1.      Measure volume of liquid using standard units.
2.      Compare volume of liquid correctly.
Materials                              :           Water, big jugs, tins, bottles, cups.

Procedures :
1.      Teacher explains to  the pupils how to measure volume of liquid
by doing some demonstration using different sizes of container as below :-
2.      Teacher pours some water into the cylinders and guide the pupils how to read the volume of the water.

Examples :

             1000 ml / 1 litre                               500 ml

3.      Then, pupils are divided into pairs. ( high achiever pupils will paired up with the lower achiever pupils )
4.      Each pair will be given a set of material  which are :-
a.     Half a pail of water
b.     a big jug
c.     a cup
d.     a tin
e.     a bottle
5.      Each pair will be given a chart to be completed, as below :

Chart A

6.      Each pair will use the 3 different materials given to fill the big jug with water.

7.      Next, each pair will complete the chart given based on the result they have.

8.      At the end, discuss with the pupils the result they have.

9.      Teacher  will asks a few simple questions to summarise today learning activities. Examples of questions :-

a.)  What can you use to measure volume of liquid ?
b.)  Is the volume of liquid in a can same as in a bottle ?

What are the units used in measuring volume of liquid ?

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